As Christians I think it is crucial that we are always looking through a lens that helps us to focus on Christ. Regardless of what we are doing in life, from getting ready for our days, to parenting, to living in a sick body, to engaging with people in the community to discerning how to respond, or not, on social media, I think Christians should always be considering how Jesus would guide them in each and every circumstance of life. I believe 100% that this kind of focus will guide us all to better action. And when we are all acting like Christ modeled for us to act, then the world will be changed. So many people look to secular leaders for their salvation or they like to point out which leader has caused our collapse and I think all of that is utter non- sense! We who choose to follow Christ have so much power! We don’t need to look to any one person, but instead each of us needs to be living as Christ called us to individually and as faith communities and when we do this…..the world will be changed!